growth hacking

Growth Hack That Increased Email Conversion By 145%

I use welcome mat from sumome to build my email list on this website.

By changing the CTA (call to action) and adding an incentive on the welcome mat, I saw a boost in my email conversion rate.

Before CTA  – I question and test everything on social media. Join me to get exclusive hacks and tips (no incentive for people to join)

After  CTA – Want to boost your Instagram engagement? Steal my 30 FREE sexy Instagram ready images (a clear incentive for people)


growth hacking list building

Do you have a compelling lead magnet or incentive for your visitors?

If not, go ahead and add one to test the conversion rate.какие летние шины выбрать для кроссовераcheapподготовка пола к укладке ламината видеораскрутка в яндексе24optionцентр

