I am a Small Business Owner, Is Facebook marketing for me ?

Depending on who you are asking you might hear things like

“Facebook marketing is the next big thing”

“No, Social Media does not work for SMBs”

“Social Media is not proven yet”

“Social Media is for big companies like Starbucks & Pepsi”

Confused ?

Well you don’t really have to listen to other people. In 5 min you can do your own research and see if your competitors (or other people in the same industry) are benefiting from Social Media or not.

Lets say you are a Dentist in Dallas, TX

Step 1:  Go to your Facebook and make sure you have “Graph Search” – Its the white search bar on the top…

Facebook graph search


Step 2: Search for “Dentist Offices in Dallas, TX” in the Graph Search. You will see a list of Facebook pages.

Facebook graph search


Surprised ?

Now click on these pages and see what they are doing on their Facebook Pages (put your competitive analyst hat on). There are several things you can look at e.g.

1 – How big is their fan base (Number of Likes)

2 – How often do they post

3 – Is their page engaging

4 – Are they running any promotions or offers

5 – What type of Call To Action (CTA) are being used

6 – How often do they talk about their products & services

I think you get the idea, now go have fun with Facebook Graph Search……

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