How to do Customer Development Interviews (For New Products)

My friend Clarissa asked this awesome question today on Facebook. And there were some really good suggestions (See below)

Customer Development Interview

I have run into this situation many times.  – “What to ask while doing customer development interviews for a new product or market ?” and here are few things that I have learned…

If you are not sure about the market for your product,  your first goal should be to understand these basics

  • Do people really want to solve this problem?
  • Is the pain big enough?
  • How are people solving this problem today? (ideas about potential competitors)

So here are some questions that are NOT so good. Mainly because we won’t learn much from the answers.

  • Would you use my product ABC?
  • How much would you pay for my product ABC?
  • What would you do with my product ABC?

And here are some questions that can potentially provide us some data & insights.

  1. How do you solve problem XYZ today? 
  2. What do you like the most about the CURRENT SOLUTION?
  3. What do you hate about the CURRENT SOLUTION?
  4. What would make it (CURRENT SOLUTION) better for you?

I believe Questions #1 is the most important one. Let them tell you a story and just listen. You may hear things like

“Yeah I have this problem but its OK, I have a work around”

“I know there are few solutions in the  market but honestly its not a huge problem for me”

Or you may hear things like this

“Yeah I have this problem and we use XYZ to solve it today but I really wish they had A and B in their solution” ……BINGO!!!!!!!!!!

So now over to you, what questions would you add (or ask instead) ?efficiency for rent in dania beach fltranslatemicrosoft certified application developer mcadпродвижение сайтовonlajn kazinoцерковь возрождения проповедь

