LinkedIn Marketing And Lead Generation

Look at the image below. Do you see anything unusual ?

LinkedIn marketing


YES: we are generating leads from a simple post. Magic right ? Actually NO. There is no magic here, it was a simple process that we used to reach the RIGHT type of people. When you are consistent you see results. That’s it ! This was a simple post for one of our interior design clients and it generated leads and business for him.

Here is the process we recommend you follow on LinkedIn

1 – Define your goals

2 – Define your target audience

3 – Have a content plan


To me (4) is the most important thing because consistency always wins when it comes to social media marketing.

So over to you. What methods have you used to generate leads on LinkedIn ?как пригостоитьчрезвычайное положениепро фудболкак добавить рекламу на сайтпланшеты на андроидсайт новосибирска

